Ultra Low Sulfur

Compliance with the ASTM method at low concentrations sulfur

Sulfur is a major element of importance because it forms sulfuric acid in the atmosphere when burned and has harmful impact on the human health and on the environment. In the mid-2000’s, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began a program to greatly reduce the amount of Sulfur in petroleum products. The current allowable sulfur limit in vehicle fuel is 15 ppm (parts per million). To reduce the pollution coming from vessels the international maritime Organization (IMO) established new limits on emission of sulfur oxides. In Emission Controlled Areas the sulfur limit will be 0.1 % starting 2015. The continued strategy by EPA and IMO to reduce the amount of sulfur in petroleum products put a great demand on sulfur monitoring in fuel and oil products.


Xenemetrix Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (ED-XRF) spectrometers

Are the simplest, most accurate, non-destructive and price-performance competitive analyzers that can deliver quickly very accurate and precise measurements of sulfur meeting stringent ASTM method requirements. Xenemetrix S-Mobile ULS and X-Calibur ULS comply with the latest strict international standard methods for low sulfur analysis like for example ASTM D7212, D4294 and ISO 20847, IP531.

  • The EPA continues reducing the allowable levels of Sulfur in fuels so there is a great importance of monitoring the fuels and oils through the refining process. ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) International has developed a number of testing methods for determination of sulfur content in petroleum products. ASTM Method D4294 is one of the methods that focus on the use of ED-XRF, which offers a low cost quantitative analysis method that achieves fast results with no need of sample preparation.
  • Xenemetrix’s X-ray Fluorescence Analyzers provide cost effective maintenance and management tool that are specifically designed to reduce the cost of operation and total cost of ownership, with return of the initial investment within a few months.

Both mobile and laboratory systems allow full control of Sulfur levels as part of analytical process or test onsite in disperse locations.

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